I'm frequently asked how I get such great deals, so here is an example of one I did last week. Target is giving a $5.00 gift card with the purchase of a box of Perfect 10 hair color. I had BOGO coupons so I was able to get 2 boxes for $12.99 and then received $10.00 in gift cards at the checkout. When I repeated the deal I could use the gift cards and pay only $2.99 for 2 boxes. Because I didn't use the gift cards every time I did the deal I ended up with $60.00 in gift cards near the end of the week. Since I had a lot of coupons that were getting ready to expire and Target had a lot of clearance food and nonfood items, I did a big shopping trip. My total was $170, after sale and clearance prices $146, after coupons $96, after I used $30 in gift cards my OOP was $66. This might seem like a high amount spent this week, but since I am still in the beginning of my stockpile stage I bought a lot of certain items like Ziploc bags and Morning Star products.
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