I DO know more about using coupons than anyone I know! I would see little blurbs here and there while cruising around the internet looking for frugal information (and the occasional freebie), and I'd think, "What could they know that I don't?!" I would just assume they were doing what I was already doing. Well, they sort of are, but on a much grander scale, with far greater returns than I could have imagined, and using team work to do it in less time. I would spend hours some weeks clipping, sorting, and matching up my coupons with the weekly sales, not to mention the time to plan and execute my shopping trip, and I was usually getting little return for my time. I had finally given up and haven't been doing it at all for the past few months. Now my stash of coupons have expired!
A fresh clean coupon start it were I am now. I purchased a Sunday paper a few weeks ago and there were no coupons in it?? I purchased one this past Sunday and there were two inserts, and I thought, "Are gone the days of three coupons inserts, along with 2/1.00 eggs and 88 cent hamburger?" Well thanks to my newly found, and most favorite (so far) coupon information site, Hot Coupon World, I know coupons inserts are not just randomly stuffed in the paper, but there is a schedule. The are no inserts on holidays and the P&G Saver goes in at the beginning of the month. I also learned that my $1.00 buy price for deodorant is way to high, even .50 is considered high! Free is the price and with coupons and rebates, and it's really not that hard to do!! I love Free!! I truly believe that saving money is better than earning more money. Don't get me wrong, I'm still for making more money, but what's the sense in working harder if you are just going to be more wasteful!
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